El Tiempo brings the Trust Project to Colombia

The Trust Project congratulates El Tiempo, highly regarded for its investigative reporting, for earning the Trust Mark and joining our network. El Tiempo commands one of the highest circulations in Latin America and the highest web traffic in Colombia.

El Tiempo’s team has worked closely with the Trust Project to incorporate the 8 Trust Indicators®. The integrity behind these indicators is now built into El Tiempo’s journalistic processes, news site, podcasts, video and even print.

We view Trust Project growth in Latin America as critical because of the attacks on journalists and threats to their independent reporting on important societal issues. As we see elsewhere in the world, disinformation and social polarization also have led to news anxiety and avoidance.

The Trust Indicators® –  a “gold standard” in journalism transparency and integrity – help people who want to stay informed by making it easy to choose news with confidence. Our Trust  protocol emphasizes the fundamentals of honest journalism: serving the public interest, separating opinion and paid content from news, protecting newsgathering from funder or government interests, and committing to impartiality, fact-checking and correcting errors.

About 300 news sites and services now provide the Trust Indicators on their pages. In late May, El Nuevo Día of Puerto Rico earned the Trust Mark, joining Latin American sites in Argentina, Brazil, Panama and Peru.

The Trust Project is grateful to Craig Newmark Philanthropies and Google for enabling us to support all of the Trust Project Network sites in implementing the Trust Indicators.

The Trust Project
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