How do you know if a news site is giving you the full picture?
The journalists mainly interview high-profile celebrities.
The news site features a lot of different types of people from a variety of backgrounds.
Most stories present lots of facts and quotes from one high-level person.
The news site features the same people over and over, with each person an expert.

Incorrect. You can’t get the full picture just because someone is famous.
The correct answer is B: When news includes many different types of people who are involved, affected or expert, you can get the full picture.
Correct. When news includes many different types of people who are involved, affected or expert, you can get the full picture.
Incorrect. You can’t get the full picture from just one person’s experience or view.
The correct answer is B: When news includes many different types of people who are involved, affected or expert, you can get the full picture.
Incorrect. You can’t get the full picture when news includes only the same types of people repeatedly.
The correct answer is B: When news includes many different types of people who are involved, affected or expert, you can get the full picture.
A controversial news story is likely to be reliable when:
The news story simply tells you to trust its claims, which do seem true.
It seems like everyone is talking about the story online.
The news story provides documents and interviews with experts to back up its claims.
The news story is discussed on television.

Incorrect. Just claiming to be trustworthy is not enough.
The correct answer is C: Ethical news sites back up claims made in the story with evidence and give anyone accused of wrongdoing a chance to respond.
Incorrect. Popularity and word of mouth are not enough.
The correct answer is C: Ethical news sites back up claims made in the story with evidence and give anyone accused of wrongdoing a chance to respond.
Correct. Ethical news sites back up claims made in the story with evidence and give anyone accused of wrongdoing a chance to respond.
Incorrect. Just because a controversial story is talked about on television does not mean it’s reliable.
The correct answer is C: Ethical news sites back up claims made in the story with evidence and give anyone accused of wrongdoing a chance to respond.
When thinking about trustworthy news sites, how do you differentiate an opinion piece from a news story on a controversial topic?
Opinion uses made-up facts to push a point of view.
News stories specifically limit coverage of controversial topics to one perspective.
Opinion pieces are labeled to differentiate them from news stories.
Opinion and news never appear in the same sections of a website or a printed publication.

Incorrect. Even opinion pieces must use accurate facts to make their case.
The correct answer is C. On trustworthy news sites, opinion pieces are clearly labeled. In addition, news stories on controversial topics offer more than one perspective.
Incorrect. News stories covering controversial topics offer many facts and perspectives to help you formulate your own opinion.
The correct answer is C. On trustworthy news sites, opinion pieces are clearly labeled. In addition, news stories on controversial topics offer more than one perspective.
Correct. Trustworthy news sites ensure that opinion pieces are clearly labeled to differentiate them from news stories on controversial topics. It’s also worth remembering that news stories on controversial topics offer more than one perspective.
Incorrect. News stories and opinion pieces can appear within the same sections of a site or publication. Therefore, labeling opinion is a trustworthy practice.
The correct answer is C. On trustworthy news sites, opinion pieces are clearly labeled. In addition, news stories on controversial topics offer more than one perspective.
Are there clear indicators you can use to identify trustworthy news?
No, news sites and journalists don’t have any standard rules or ethics they follow.
No, misinformation looks just like trustworthy news so it’s impossible to tell the difference.
No, only an expert would be able to know when a story or a news site is trustworthy.
Yes, there are verifiable indicators across all news sites that anyone can use to decide whether the journalists are producing trustworthy news.

Incorrect. Trustworthy sites and reporters follow strict rules that help them ensure accuracy, fairness and inclusion.
The correct answer is D: There are 8 Trust Indicators® you can use to decide which news sites and stories to trust. Learn more about the 8 Trust Indicators®.
Incorrect. You can tell whether a site is trustworthy by looking for verifiable indicators like the strict rules that help journalists ensure accuracy, fairness and inclusion.
The correct answer is D: You can use the Trust Project’s 8 Trust Indicators® to decide which news sites and stories to trust. Learn more about the 8 Trust Indicators®.
Incorrect. A guide to identifying trustworthy journalism exists to help everyone know how to tell when a site is trustworthy.
The correct answer is D: You can use the Trust Project’s 8 Trust Indicators® to decide which news sites and stories to trust. Learn more about the 8 Trust Indicators®.
Correct. You can use the Trust Project’s 8 Trust Indicators® to decide which news sites and stories to trust. Learn more about the 8 Trust Indicators®.