The 8 Trust Indicators®, by the Trust Project®, empower us all to find information we can trust.
Everyone deserves to know when they can trust news, especially when so much disinformation is pushing fear and divisiveness. Help us share the 8 Trust Indicators far and wide.
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English, Français, Português (Brasil), Português (Portugal),
Español (LatAm,US), Español (España), Español (Argentino)
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Sample Social Posts
Add your voice to make these your own!
- Stay informed about what matters—your community and your country! In 2025, let’s commit to checking our sources with the #8TrustIndicators before sharing. Knowledge is power, and informed decisions shape a stronger society. 💪 #Checkthe8 #TheTrustProject
- As we step into the new year, let’s focus on better news consumption. Use the #8TrustIndicators to ensure your information is accurate and trustworthy—because the truth is always worth celebrating! 🎉 #Checkthe8 #TheTrustProject
- New year, new habits! Make it your resolution to verify your news sources using the #8TrustIndicators. Start 2025 by committing to news you can trust. #Checkthe8 #TheTrustProject
Be sure to tag us when you post:
Facebook: @TheTrustProject
Thank you for making a difference. And remember…
as you go about your day, please keep real NEWS in mind:
Never share information without verifying its trustworthiness
Misinformation spreads quickly – always check for journalistic integrity behind the news you share.
Engage with trustworthy news sources and content
Boost the visibility of reliable information and news sources.
Welcome news from diverse reliable sources
Get the full picture by using several reputable sources.
Share the 8 Trust Indicators
Help others identify trustworthy journalism. Together, we can create a healthy news ecosystem.
Trust starts with you.
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